Just a few tips that might save you a lot of time.
after installing tftpd-hpa, as always the docs aren't helping a lot.
config file: /etc/defaults/tftpd-hpa
log file: /var/log/daemon
and if you set tftpd to daemon mode in its config file and encounter the following error in the log:
cannot bind to local socket: Address already in use
Then edit the
/etc/inetd.conf file and comment out the line with TFTP in it and restart the machine (I've read there could be better ways to do it but haven't got that far)
oh and the TFTP-HPA installation won't create the tftpboot folder for you.
Keep in mind that the filename option it relative to the path given in the tftp configuration. For instance:
filename "pxelinux.0"
would be correct, but
filename "/var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.0"
would not.
I also needed the SYSLINUX package which contains PXELINUX but there's no obvious mention of it in the docs, if any. The file we're looking for are in /usr/lib/syslinux
It took me a couple of houres to accomplish the setup (you can tell by the hour of my previous post and this one's) and if I were to do this all again, it would take 30 minutes at most.
I have to admit that it's a bit frustrating that most of the time spent on this project was for meaningless details that should've been documented.
RTFM they say... Oh well, I'm getting used to it as I prefer that kind of research which I will benefit rather than paying truck loads of money for software.
HEY let's drink herbal tea for a change :D