Friday, August 22, 2014

Entity Framework 6 Code First: error 3023: Problem in mapping fragments starting at lines xxxx:Column has no default value and is not nullable. A column value is required to store entity data

There are many reasons why this error would happen. There's a known bug in 6.1 which will be fixed in 6.2. But my problem wasn't related to it. Here's what happened for me.

I use a single table, tbl_Person,  to map a hierarchy, like this example, where Person is abstract :

And I use this mapping using Fluent API:

 .HasKey(m => m.PersonID)
 .Map<Student =>(m.Requires (discrimination stuff) )
 .Map<Instructor>(m => m.Requires (discrimination stuff) )

And then later, I added another kind of Person to my model. Let's say a "Director"  but I forgot to add the mapping. That got me the error whenever I would try to use a DbContext. So I just added the mapping for "Director" and the error went away.

By the way, a discriminator column can be NOT NULL and have no default value, as opposed to what the error lead me to think.

Coffee time!

1 comment:

quickbooks pro advisor said...

QuickBooks Error 15241 usually occurs during QuickBooks Desktop updates. It indicates issues with the payroll update. Resolve it by updating QuickBooks Desktop and ensuring proper installation of payroll updates.
QuickBooks Error 15241
How to Fix QuickBooks Error 15240
Quickbooks Error 12152